He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai
(If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive)

Dana - Generosity

For 2600 years the Buddha’s teachings have been offered freely. In alignment with this principle, AIM is entirely supported by a small community of practitioners, volunteers, donors and teachers whose generosity makes the group’s existence possible. With no paid staff, everything the group offers is an expression of the practice of the generosity and goodwill of our volunteers.

Become a Supporter

Please consider becoming an Auckland Insight Supporter or supporting our Guiding Teacher, Jill Shepherd with dana.

You can either make a one off payment or set up a monthly automatic payment or make a donation at one of our meetings.

Auckland Insight Account Details

Bank  Kiwibank
Name  Auckland Insight
Account Number  38-9016-0787208-00

Supporting Jill Shepherd with Dana

Click here for how to gift dāna to Jill (scroll down to the bottom of the linked page)